Lynda’s designs have won an award from the International Live Events Association for wedding invitation suite of the year, and she’s been proud to have been nominated for a LOUIE award from the Greeting Card Association in the best of wedding invite design category held at the National Stationery Show. She counts among her clients Northwestern University and Kimpton Hotels.
Lynda is a born and raised Chicagoan from the SW burbs. On a whim, she chose the visual communications program at Northern Illinois University. One semester in, she knew that was it – she found her path. She spent the remainder of her college career tailgating for the Huskies, while perfecting her type and exacto knife skills. After class, she cut her teeth in the design department at NIU’s award-winning daily paper, The Northern Star.
Post school, she landed a gig designing for the corporate world and soon realized that navy blue brochures were a bit of snooze. Around the same time, she tied the knot with her hubs Will in a small destination wedding at La Jolla Cove. She designed her own wedding invite, of course, with gorgeous details. Soon realizing her heart was tied to paper and printing, she ditched the corporate job and Greenstar was born in 2007.